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Last updated: 02-05-2024

Offline Donations

What are offline donations/messages?

Occasionally, you may receive a donation via another channel (eg. cash, post or telephone), which you would like to display on a page and reflect in the total raised. You can use the offline donations feature to do this.

This feature allows you to add messages to a page without creating a transaction. This means you do not need to enter any personal donor information or payment details.

On the free plan, you can add up to 10 offline donations on a page. Or with Premium, you can add unlimited offline donations.

Who can add offline donations to a page?

Offline donations can be added by any user with a role of Moderator, Campaigner or Admin.

Read more about user roles and permissions.

How to add an offline donation

  • Login to your account & view one of your pages
  • Use the call-to-action button to select an object from the donation menu
  • Complete the message form and tick the offline donation checkbox
  • At the end of the message form, click Continue to display your message on the page

How to delete an offline donation

  • Login to your account & view one of your pages
  • Use the Find a Message button from the menu to locate the message you would like to delete
  • Click on the object to view the message
  • Click the Delete button

You can also edit / delete offline donations from Messages (via Page Settings). Offline donations are indicated by an amber dot.