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Last updated: 09-05-2024

Page Actions

You will find the Page Action buttons in the menu of your Page Settings.

On all unpublished pages, you have the option to:

  • View
  • Publish
  • Delete

After publishing your page, these options will also become available:

  • Duplicate
  • Close
  • Unpublish



Navigates you directly to your page.


When you have finished setting up your page and you're ready to go live, click Publish. You'll be able to share your page once it has been published.


This action is only available on pages that have never been published. You can permanently delete a page you have created by clicking Delete. If you have previously published your page, you can Unpublish instead.


If you want to create a copy of your page, click Duplicate. This copies all of your page settings onto a new page, which you can edit before publishing. This can be useful if you're running an annual fundraising appeal and want to create a new page each year.


If you do not want to accept any further donations or messages on your page, you can Close it. This keeps the page online so people can still view it, but does not allow any new contributions to be added.


You can Unpublish your page if you no longer want it to be publicly visible. This means that you will not be able to accept any further contributions to the page and your supporters will not be able to view their messages. For the best supporter experience, we recommend closing a page rather than unpublishing it.