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Last updated: 02-05-2024

Supporter Fundraising

Anyone can create a fundraising page in aid of any Non-profit who has a fully onboard Visufund account. Donations are paid directly into the Non-profit's own Stripe account and are subject to donation fees as determined by their membership plan.

If you want to create a fundraising page for a Non-profit organisation, you can create a page using any template from the library. You can select your favourite Non-profit organisation in Page Settings.

If your chosen charity is not listed, they may not have a Visufund account yet. You are welcome to contact them and invite them to create a free Non-profit account. Charities are listed on the website automatically as soon as they have completed the onboarding process.

In order to publish your page, you will need to create a Supporter account. When you publish your page, your chosen Non-profit will be notified so that they can provide support to help you reach your fundraising goals!

Guidance for Non-profits

Promoting Supporter Fundraising

If you have a Non-profit account and want to encourage your supporters to create a fundraising page for your organisation, you can share a link to your profile page or all templates using a special code that will automatically select your charity for their fundraising page. You will find these links in Supporters.

On your Profile Page, people will be able to read more about your organisation and view any live pages created by you and your supporters. If you want to control which pages are displayed here, you can do this in Page Groups. If you own any Templates (My Templates) which are enabled for Supporter Fundraising, these templates will also appear on your Profile Page. Supporters can click the Start Fundraising button to choose a template for their page.

If you want to promote a specific template to your supporters:

  • Login to your Non-profit account
  • Click on your chosen template from the Templates list
  • Copy the address shown in the Supporter Fundraising section
  • Share this link with your supporters

Accessing Data

You can view all your Supporter fundraising pages in Supporters. If you click on the Info icon, you will be able to see more information about each page, including the supporter's name and contact details.

On the Info & Tools page, you can apply up to 3 internal codes to a page, which will pull through on your reports. You can use the codes however you need - whether it's a unique ID to soft-credit a supporter, or a department code to make it easier to allocate funds.

Details of all your Supporter Fundraising Pages can be downloaded in Reports.