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Last updated: 03-06-2024

Streamer Guide

Visufund is the perfect platform to bring interactive fundraising or messaging to your stream content. After publishing a page using one of our streamer-tuned templates and adding a single browser source to one of your scenes, you can stream live activity from your page!

  • Objects flash when supporters interact with them.
  • A notification using your own GIF or image pops-up with every contribution.
  • Display a total & target progress bar if you're fundraising.
  • Supporter messages can be toured, to inspire others watching your stream.


  • A Visufund account.
  • An installation of your preferred streaming software, such as OBS.
  • If you are fundraising, your chosen charity is a listed member of the platform.

Choose a Template

You can create a page with any template, but we recommend opting for one of our Streamer Frame templates. These are designed to fit perfectly on a 16:9 widescreen video output. Objects are arranged in a rectangular frame, minimising interference with your current video layout.

Once you have found your desired template, click Create Page with this Template.

Page setup

Click the edit button on any setting to personalise your page. The preview window shows how the page will look to visitors when they come to contribute on the platform, and not necessarily representative of how it will display on your stream. Essential settings are:

  • Choose a charity under Fundraising for or leave set to None (Message board) if you just want to collect messages without fundraising.
  • Give your page a Title and write something in About page.
  • Check you are happy with the Web address; you may want to make it shorter or easier to read.
  • Click Publish.

Generate source URL

Once your page has been published, navigate to your page's Info & Tools and find the Streamer Overlay section. Adjust any of the settings to your preference:

  • Tour action – The desired donation/message tour start behaviour on your stream.
  • Restart tour delay (seconds) – If you have the above set to Run message tour continuously, this value defines the time in seconds when the tour should restart after a complete cycle.
  • Hide background – Only available using certain templates; this setting will hide any flexible and fixed backgrounds. We would recommend this set to Yes for most cases.
  • New contribution notifications – Set to Yes for pop-up notifications on your stream video, when a supporter makes a contribution to your page.
  • Notification image/GIF – Upload your own image or GIF to display in a notification or click the trash button to use no image. This setting does not affect the URL generated for your streaming software.

Once satisfied with your settings, click the clipboard button under Browser source URL to copy this address to your device clipboard.

Streaming software setup

This section describes how to add a browser source to one of your scenes within your streaming software. These instructions are specifically for OBS and may differ depending on the software you are using.

  • Open your streaming software and select the scene where you would like to add a source.
  • Click the + button under Sources to add a source.
  • Select Browser from the list and name the source
  • In the properties of the browser source created, set the URL to the value you copied to your clipboard in the previous section.
  • Set the Width & Height to match your base canvas resolution. Example: Width:1920 Height:1080 or Width:1280 Height:720
  • Click OK.
  • Adjust the source size in the video preview window to fit the canvas if required.

You should now be able to see a live feed of your page on your stream video!


There are many ways you can signpost supporters to your page via your social and stream channels. Use the Link Generator in your page's Info & Tools to create alternative addresses, trackable links and QR codes.

Here are a few ideas to help boost engagement:

  • Add a QR code to your stream using an Image source.
  • Add a short readable address using a Text source on your video. Example:
  • Configure your favourite stream chatbot to add a !donate command, which posts a link to your page in your stream chat.
  • Post links to your page via your social media or community chat channels.