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Last updated: 02-05-2024

User Accounts

You can create additional user accounts to give others access to the same supporter or non-profit account. User accounts are assigned a Role, to grant or restrict access to features and settings. Please note that only users with the Admin role can administer user accounts. For non-profit account holders, we recommend having at least two Admin users.

Create a New User

  • Login using an Admin account
  • Navigate to User Accounts from the Account Menu
  • Click Add User from the sub-menu
  • Enter the email address and name of the new user
  • Click Create Account

The new user will be emailed a link to set a password for their account. At this point (viewing the user account you have just created), you can change their role if required (see below table). By default, all new users are assigned the Campaigner role.

Modify & Delete Users

To access a user account:

  • Login with an Admin account
  • Navigate to User Accounts from the Account Menu
  • Click on the email or name in the user list

You can now perform the following actions:

  • Change the user email, name or role by clicking the Edit button next to the appropriate setting.
  • Delete the user by clicking Delete user from the sub-menu.

We strongly advise to delete users who no longer require access to your account. For example, if a colleague has left your organisation. This will protect your Visufund account and ensure that only authorised persons have access to any data.

Role Permissions

This table shows the permissions associated with each role:

View all settings & data
Download & write custom reports
Update own user account details
Modify messages on pages
Add & delete offline donations/messages
Share custom reports
Create, modify & publish pages
Purchase products & plans
Modify organisation profile
Modify organisation settings
Create, modify & delete user accounts
Modify & delete reports owned by other users