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Last updated: 09-05-2024

Display Settings

This article covers all the properties you may find under Display Settings of a page. Please note that some settings are only available on specific templates and account types. When changing any of the display settings, the Preview window will automatically update to show how your page will look. You can also click on the Preview window to view a page in full.

Jigsaw & Pixel Reveal Templates

Pages using these type of templates allow you to use any image, which is revealed as contributions are made. We recommend a resolution between 1000x1000px and 1600x1600px.

  • Click the edit button to upload or select a Reveal image.
  • Use the crop tool if you need to adjust the cropping of the image.
  • Click the Background colour to change the colour of the area where pieces are revealed.

Fixed & Custom Images

Some templates allow you to display a square image in a fixed position behind the objects. This is particularly useful if you want to create a scene where the objects are specifically positioned on a background. If you do not require a fixed background image behind the objects, you can delete it by clicking the trash button. Some other templates allow you to display an image within a page, such as a signpost, photo frame or banner.

  • Click the edit button to upload, select or remove a Fixed/Custom image.
  • Use the crop tool if you need to adjust the cropping of the image.

Flexible Background

This collection of settings allows you to creatively configure a background combining images and colour. This type of background will always fill the screen and position differently depending on screen or device.

Flexible background mode

Click on the radio buttons to select your preferred mode:

  • None: Disables this feature and displays a solid colour for the background, matching the interface colour.
  • Image only: Sets the flexible background to use an image only.
  • Image/Gradient Blend: Use this mode if you want to blend an image and colour gradient.
  • Gradient only: This mode allows you to use a gradient or solid colour only for the flexible background.

Flexible Image

You can change or remove the flexible image by clicking the edit button. There is no specific image size or aspect ratio required for this image; we recommend the dimensions to be greater than 1000px.

If you cannot see an image you have selected, check the Flexible background mode and the Blend settings. The blend setting must be above 0%!

Image Effect

Click on the radio buttons to select a desired effect on the flexible image:

  • None: Displays the flexible image without any effects.
  • Blur: Adds a blur effect to soften the image, creating more contrast of the imagery/objects that sit on top.
  • Tile: Display the flexible background image arranged in a repeated tile pattern.

Tiles Wide

If a Tiled arrangement is selected, change this setting to define how many times the image is repeated across the width of a page.


When using Image/Gradient blend mode, use this setting to adjust the mix or blend of the image and colour gradient. A higher percentage value will increase the visibility of the image, a lower value will allow the gradient to bleed through the image.

Gradient Top/Bottom

These colour settings allow you to blend two colours from the top of the page background to the bottom. Set these values identical for a solid single colour.

Object Colour Choice

Certain templates give the donor/contributor a choice of colour to select for their object. This setting allows you to define the number and colours to choose from.

  • Click the edit button to select the number colours you would like to offer, then click Save.
  • Click on each colour in the palette to set individual colours.

Available object visibility

Use this setting to change unused object visibility. If you want to make it easier for people to see and select available objects, use a higher value such as 30% (ghost image).

Call-To-Action & Icon

You can tailor the main Call-To-Action button on a page by selecting your preferred text and icon from the following options:

  • Text - Donate, Add message, Give, Dedicate, Contribute
  • Icon - Heart, Speech bubble, Star, Pencil, Add/Plus, Pound, Dollar, Euro