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Last updated: 01-10-2024

Custom Questions

Custom Questions are available on Non-profit accounts with Premium.

You can add up to 4 additional questions on the checkout form, if required. For example, if you are holding an event for anyone who donates to your fundraising appeal, you could ask your supporters how many tickets they would like.

You will be able to view each supporter's answers to your questions in Transactions or download the data using the Live Transactions (full) report.

Please note, the answers to your Custom Questions are private and not visible on your page. For public message settings, please refer to Page Message Settings.


To add a question to the checkout form, first enable the question by toggling the switch on. If you need to remove a question from the checkout form, toggle the switch off.

Use the Question field to prompt for the information you require, eg. "How many tickets would you like for our event?"

Important: Please do not use these questions to capture marketing consent or any personal data that is not expressly declared in the Visufund Privacy Policy. Marketing consent settings can be configured in Org Settings.

Answer Type

Choose one of the following options:

  • Multi choice: Use this option if you want supporters to select a single answer from a drop-down list, from a choice of answer options set by you (see below).
  • Free text: Use this option if you want to allow any typed answer.

Answer options

If your question is multi choice, list the answer options to display in the drop-down list . Separate each option with a comma, eg. "None,1,2,3,4". The first option in your list will be selected by default.

Always prompt for home address

Donors are automatically prompted for their home address if they consent to postal marketing or tick the Gift Aid declaration (UK only). If you need to capture the supporter's address for another reason (eg. to post tickets), enable this option to always prompt for a home address. Please note, to maximise donation conversions, address fields are always optional.