Zapier Integration

Zapier is an online tool that helps you automate tasks between two or more apps, without the need to write code. These automations are called Zaps. Each Zap consists of a trigger and one or more actions. When you turn a Zap on, it will run the action steps every time the trigger event occurs.
Our newly developed integration (app) for Zapier will allow you to automate tasks when a donation is made on Visufund, using data from the transaction. For example, after a donation has been made you could:
- Transfer donation data to your CRM database (eg. Salesforce).
- Add the donor as a subscriber on MailChimp.
- Email tickets for an event the donor has requested to join.
- Update a Google Sheet with some donation details.
This article covers the basic requirements to get started using our Zapier integration.
- A Visufund Non-profit user account with an Admin role.
- A Zapier user account.
- Familiarity with the Zapier platform and apps they have available to interact with.
The Visufund app on Zapier is currently private (not publicly listed) whilst we continue to develop and test further features. To access our app, you are required to accept this invitation.
App Connections
During the process of creating a Zap, you will be required (at least once) to authenticate or authorise Zapier to access a particular app. For Zapier to access your Visufund account, you will be required to supply a secret API key.
To obtain your Visufund API key:
- Navigate to Org Settings and find the Zapier section.
- Click Roll API key to generate and reveal a new API key.
- Copy the revealed key to your computer clipboard.
- Paste the value to a secure location for later use OR directly into Zapier when prompted for Visufund's API key.
For security reasons, your Visufund API key will only be revealed once.
You can revoke your current API key and reveal a new one (roll key) at any time. If a new key is generated, you will need to update any Visufund connections in Zapier, by clicking Reconnect and supplying the new key.
New Donation Trigger
In this example, we will create a Zap to trigger when a donation has been made on Visufund.
- Navigate to your Zaps.
- Click + Create and select New Zap.
- Click on the Trigger step.
- Type Visufund in the search box and click the app from the results (eg. Visufund (1.0.0)).
- For the Trigger event, select New Donation.
- Under Account, click Sign in and supply your Visufund API key (see section above). Any Zaps you create thereafter, should not require this step.
There is only one configurable option for the New Donation trigger. Under Live transactions:
- Select Yes if you only want live transactions to trigger this event.
- Select No if you only require test donations to trigger this event.
Click Test trigger to check the connection and find new donations. This should return at least one test record and any transactions created in the last 12 hours.
Select one of records and click Continue with selected record. This record will be used as an example when you map field data to other apps within your actions.
Now it's your turn to decide what happens! Zapier has thousands of apps you can integrate with, using the data from Visufund. If you're new to Zapier and would like to create a simple test, try creating an action that adds a row of data to a Google Sheet.
Please note: There are currently no actions available on the Visufund integration, only triggers.
Data Fields
The data available to use in an action match the fields names that are used in our Report system. Please see the table below for fields that are available when using the New Donation trigger. Zapier automatically formats the field names by replacing underscores with spaces and capitalising the first letter of each word.
Date & Time
All fields that contain a date and time are formatted to the ISO 8601 international standard. They are also expressed in a UTC timezone. For example, a donation received on 25th July 2024 at 11:13:34 BST would be output as:
New Donation Fields
Field | Type | Description |
tran_id | T/M | Visufund transaction identification number |
tran_date | T/M | Date & time a transaction was completed |
donor_title | T/M | Donor chosen honorific |
donor_firstname | T/M | Donor first name or initial |
donor_lastname | T/M | Donor last name or surname |
donor_email | T/M | Donor email address |
donor_address1 | T/M | Donor address line 1 |
donor_address2 | T/M | Donor address line 2 |
donor_address3 | T/M | Donor town or city |
donor_address4 | T/M | Donor county, state or province |
donor_postal_code | T/M | Donor postal code or ZIP code |
donor_country_code | T/M | Donor ISO alpha-2 country code |
donor_telephone | T/M | Donor telephone number |
tran_live | T/M | Indicates if a transaction was completed in live or test mode (1=Live/True, 0=Test/False) |
tran_currency | T/M | Donation & fees currency |
tran_gross_donation | T/M | Donation amount charged to the donor (in live mode) |
tran_payment_fee | T/M | Fee deducted by the payment processor, Stripe (in live mode) |
tran_platform_fee | T/M | Fee deducted by the platform, Visufund (in live mode) |
tran_net_donation | T/M | Amount received into the beneficiary's Stripe account (in live mode) |
tran_stripe_payment_intent | T/M | Stripe's payment identification reference |
tran_message_count | T/M | Number of messages or objects associated with a transaction |
giftaid_declared | T/M | Indicates if the donor ticked the box next to the Gift Aid declaration (1=Ticked/True, 0=Unticked/False) |
email_optin | T/M | Donor opted-in to charity's email marketing (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
post_optin | T/M | Donor opted-in to charity's postal marketing (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
tel_optin | T/M | Donor opted-in to charity's telephone marketing (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
sms_optin | T/M | Donor opted-in to charity's SMS/Messaging marketing (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
answer1 | T/M | Answer to custom question 1 |
answer2 | T/M | Answer to custom question 2 |
answer3 | T/M | Answer to custom question 3 |
answer4 | T/M | Answer to custom question 4 |
page_id | T/M | Page ID number associated with a transaction |
page_no | T/M | Page number |
page_code1 | T/M | Your internal page coding reference 1 |
page_code2 | T/M | Your internal page coding reference 2 |
page_code3 | T/M | Your internal page coding reference 3 |
page_published_date | T/M | Date when page was first published |
page_title | T/M | Title of page |
page_supporter | T/M | Indicates if a page was created by a supporter (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
page_creator_firstname | T/M | First name of the person who created page |
page_creator_lastname | T/M | Last name of the person who created page |
page_creator_email | T/M | Email address of the person who created page |
utm_source | T/M | Referring website or utm_source query parameter supplied in the page web address of the visitor |
utm_medium | T/M | Referring medium or utm_medium query parameter supplied in the page web address of the visitor |
utm_campaign | T/M | The utm_campaign query parameter supplied in the page web address of the visitor |
utm_term | T/M | The utm_term query parameter supplied in the page web address of the visitor |
utm_content | T/M | The utm_content query parameter supplied in the page web address of the visitor |
tran_url | T/M | Transaction URL on Visufund (live & test donations) |
stripe_payment_intent_url | T/M | Payment intent URL on Stripe (live donations only) |