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Last updated: 18-11-2022

Using The Chart

On your Dashboard, you have access to a useful chart to plot activity on all pages over any specified date range. The chart is also available to analyse activity on individual pages that you have published, via Info & Tools. The chart typically displays datasets consisting of page views, amount donated and the number of transactions. Plotted values can be grouped by the hour, day, month or year. The chart can also be used to plot real-time activity when the preset is set to Today.

Preset dates

The first drop-down select box allows you to pick a common date range (eg. Last week). This will automatically set a suitable grouping for your data (eg. Daily), but you can override the grouping selection if required.


The second drop-down select box allows you to set the grouping of the data.

Hourly: This grouping will show a range of 24 hours on the x-axis. If the date range is set to a single day, the chart will plot activity for that day by the hour. If the date range spans more than a day, the chart will plot the total values grouped into 24 hours. This is particularly useful to analyse the time of day your supporters are most active on your pages.

For example, if you set the date range to cover 2019 (01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019), the hourly chart would allow you to analyse the time of day your pages were most active over the entire year.

Daily: This group will plot the figures for each single day between the specified date range. The start and end date should be at least a day apart for this grouping to display.

Monthly: This group will plot the figures for each calendar month between the specified date range. To produce accurate information, the start date should always be the first of a calendar month and the end date should be the last day of a calendar month. Example: 01/01/2019 to 30/06/2019 will plot January to June 2019.

Yearly: This group will plot the figures for each calendar year between the specified date range. To produce accurate information, the start date should always be the 1st January and the end date should be 31st December. Example: 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2019 will plot 2017 to 2019.

Date range

The two date input boxes (start & end date) display the date range of the current plot and allows you to set a specific range. If your browser does not support the date picking tool, dates must be entered in the format: yyyy-mm-dd. When changing either of these dates, the chart will automatically update. The start date should be less than or the same as the end date. If the two dates are identical, the chart will plot activity for a single day, grouped by the hour.


By clicking the Download button in the top right, you can download the results currently shown on the chart in CSV file format.


Below the chart, a legend (or key) is shown describing the datasets plotted on the chart. Datasets vary depending on the type of account you have and where you are viewing the chart. Here are some common datasets:

  • Views - Views of pages created by you
  • Supporter views - Views of pages created by supporters
  • Transactions - Donation transactions on pages created by you
  • Supporter transactions - Donation transactions on pages created by supporters
  • Zero value transactions - Transactions with no donation or a message board contribution
  • Donated - Donations received to pages created by you
  • Supporter page donated - Donations received to pages created by your supporters

Total Summary

Below the legend, a total summary for each dataset is displayed for the given date range.