Report Fields
The below table describes all the fields you can include in the output of a report.
- T: Available on Transaction reports
- M: Available on Message reports
- P: Available on Page reports
Field | Type | Description |
tran_id | T/M | Visufund transaction identification number |
tran_date | T/M | Date & time a transaction was completed |
tran_date_formatted | T/M | UK formatted date only |
donor_title | T/M | Donor chosen honorific |
donor_firstname | T/M | Donor first name or initial |
donor_lastname | T/M | Donor last name or surname |
donor_email | T/M | Donor email address |
donor_address1 | T/M | Donor address line 1 |
donor_address2 | T/M | Donor address line 2 |
donor_address3 | T/M | Donor town or city |
donor_address4 | T/M | Donor county, state or province |
donor_postal_code | T/M | Donor postal code or ZIP code |
donor_country_code | T/M | Donor ISO alpha-2 country code |
donor_telephone | T/M | Donor telephone number |
tran_live | T/M | Indicates if a transaction was completed in live or test mode (1=Live/True, 0=Test/False) |
tran_currency | T/M | Donation & fees currency |
tran_gross_donation | T/M | Donation amount charged to the donor (in live mode) |
tran_payment_fee | T/M | Fee deducted by the payment processor, Stripe (in live mode) |
tran_platform_fee | T/M | Fee deducted by the platform, Visufund (in live mode) |
tran_net_donation | T/M | Amount received into the beneficiary's Stripe account (in live mode) |
tran_stripe_payment_intent | T/M | Stripe's payment identification reference |
tran_message_count | T/M | Number of messages or objects associated with a transaction |
giftaid_declared | T/M | Indicates if the donor ticked the box next to the Gift Aid declaration (1=Ticked/True, 0=Unticked/False) |
email_optin | T/M | Donor opted-in to charity's email marketing (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
post_optin | T/M | Donor opted-in to charity's postal marketing (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
tel_optin | T/M | Donor opted-in to charity's telephone marketing (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
sms_optin | T/M | Donor opted-in to charity's SMS/Messaging marketing (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
answer1 | T/M | Answer to custom question 1 |
answer2 | T/M | Answer to custom question 2 |
answer3 | T/M | Answer to custom question 3 |
answer4 | T/M | Answer to custom question 4 |
page_id | T/M | Page ID number associated with a transaction |
page_no | T/M | Page number |
page_code1 | T/M | Your internal page coding reference 1 |
page_code2 | T/M | Your internal page coding reference 2 |
page_code3 | T/M | Your internal page coding reference 3 |
page_published_date | T/M | Date when page was first published |
page_title | T/M | Title of page |
page_supporter | T/M | Indicates if a page was created by a supporter (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
page_creator_firstname | T/M | First name of the person who created page |
page_creator_lastname | T/M | Last name of the person who created page |
page_creator_email | T/M | Email address of the person who created page |
utm_source | T/M | Referring website or utm_source query parameter supplied in the page web address of the visitor |
utm_medium | T/M | Referring medium or utm_medium query parameter supplied in the page web address of the visitor |
utm_campaign | T/M | The utm_campaign query parameter supplied in the page web address of the visitor |
utm_term | T/M | The utm_term query parameter supplied in the page web address of the visitor |
utm_content | T/M | The utm_content query parameter supplied in the page web address of the visitor |
tran_url | T/M | Transaction URL on Visufund (live & test donations) |
stripe_payment_intent_url | T/M | Payment intent URL on Stripe (live donations only) |
blank | T/M | A field you can use to insert a blank column in a report |
object_id | M | Unique object/message ID number |
object_created | M | Date & time message was created |
object_edit_date | M | Date & time message was last edited |
object_reference | M | Object reference |
object_name | M | Object name |
object_reference_type | M | Object reference type |
object_offline | M | Indicates if message was created as an offline donation or in test mode (1=Offline/True, 0=Live/False) |
object_donation_value | M | Value of donation reflected in the total of the page |
object_views | M | Message view count |
object_colour | M | Colour selected for an object |
object_ecard_sent | M | Indicates if an e-card was requested to be sent (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
object_image_uploaded | M | Indicates if an image was uploaded with a message (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
object_message1 | M | Typically, the "To" content of a message |
object_message2 | M | Typically, the "Message" content of a message |
object_message3 | M | Typically, the "From" content of a message |
object_message4 | M | Message content 4 (rarely used) |
object_message5 | M | Message content 5 (rarely used) |
object_message6 | M | Message content 6 (rarely used) |
object_portal_url | M | URL to message in Visufund portal |
object_page_url | M | URL to message on page |
page_id | P | Unique page ID number |
page_published_date | P | Date page was first published |
page_count | P | Number of pages (Expanded) |
page_code1 | P | Your internal page coding reference 1 |
page_code2 | P | Your internal page coding reference 2 |
page_code3 | P | Your internal page coding reference 3 |
page_title | P | Title of page |
page_template | P | Name of the template used for page |
page_status | P | Current status of page |
page_supporter | P | Indicates if a page was created by a supporter (1=Yes/True, 0=No/False) |
page_creator_firstname | P | First name of the person who created page |
page_creator_lastname | P | Last name of the person who created page |
page_creator_email | P | Email address of the person who created page |
page_donations | P | Sum of page object donation values |
page_donations_offline | P | Sum of offline object donation values |
page_live_transactions | P | Sum of live donation transactions |
page_message_count | P | Total count of messages |
page_offline_count | P | Count of messages created offline or in test mode |
page_live_message_count | P | Count of messages created with a live transaction |
page_live_transaction_count | P | Count of live transactions |
page_url | P | URL to page |
page_info_url | P | URL to page information |
blank | P | blank |