Gift Aid
Visufund does not claim Gift Aid on behalf of UK charities, although we do collect declarations and provide all the necessary details for them to process a Gift Aid claim in-house via their usual method.
If you have a Non-profit account, you can choose your preferred Declaration statement in Org Settings. If the donor ticks the box and declares that their gift is eligible for Gift Aid, you will be able to use the data provided to submit your Gift Aid claim.
You can download Gift Aid data using the following Reports:
- Live transactions (basic or full) - These reports contain financial transaction data, allowing you to import into your CRM and prepare your Gift Aid claim as usual. Where you see '1' in the Gift Aid column, this indicates that the donor ticked the Gift Aid box.
- Gift Aid Schedule - This contains details of all eligible donations in the required spreadsheet format, allowing you to submit it directly to HMRC for Gift Aid processing.