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Last updated: 09-05-2024


The Reports system is available on all Non-profit accounts to download data as unencrypted CSV files. These can be used to import data to another database such as your CRM or to analyse/process in a spreadsheet environment. Some reports contain personal identifiable information of your donors; please handle this data responsibly, within the law and in accordance with your own privacy policy.

You can download data using our Built-in reports or design your own Custom reports using the Report Writer.

Downloading a Report

Reports can be downloaded from Reports covering all pages and data. You can also download page specific data from Info & Tools of any page:

  • Click the download button next to your chosen report.
  • Set a Date range by selecting a preset or specifying a start & end date.
  • Click the Download button.

On success, you will receive a pop-up dialogue box confirming that your report is downloading. Check your usual download folder to find a CSV file named after the report. You may receive a message stating "This date range or filter does not return any results!" - this means there is no data to return based on the date range specified or the filter criteria of the report.

Premium Reports

Some built-in reports and all custom reports qualify as Premium. These reports are restricted to 3 records per download if you do not have access to Premium features. Premium reports are fully accessible if you are:

  • A Plus or Pro plan member.
  • Downloading a page specific report from a page that has been upgraded or using a template you own.

Report Folders

Reports are listed in several folders/sections on-screen to help identify their use and status:

Built-in Reports

These reports satisfy the most common requirements and provide all the data we collect for your use. Built-in reports may be updated occasionally to reflect changes and development of the platform. To modify a Built-in report, click the duplicate button to create a copy and edit in the Report Writer. Please note that tracking reports are not currently customisable.

Shared Custom Reports

This folder displays all reports that have been created and shared by users in your organisation. All users can view, download or duplicate a shared report.

My Custom Reports

When you create a new report, it will be listed here by default for your own personal use. If you share a report, it will be moved to the Shared folder.

Unshared Custom Reports

This folder is only visible to users with the Admin Role, and displays all the reports created by other users but not shared. This listing can be useful to access reports of people who have left your organisation or to share a report of someone who does not have permissions (role) to do so.

Internal Page Coding

You can assign up to three of your own codes to any page created by you or your supporters. These references will pull through on your reports to assist with data processing and allocation. For example: Supporter ID to soft-credit a supporter or a departmental code to allocate funds.

Navigate to Info & Tools of any published page to add Internal Code 1-3.

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