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Last updated: 06-06-2024

FAQs for Supporters

What is Visufund?

Visufund is an online interactive visual fundraising platform. When you make a donation or leave a message on a Visufund page, you can also reveal something on a picture, eg. adding a star to the sky or lighting a virtual candle.

Who is eligible to join?

You are welcome to create a Supporter account if you want to donate or raise money for any of our Non-profit members. If you do not want to fundraise, you can use your Supporter account to publish message boards without a donation facility.

Alternatively, if you officially represent a registered charity or non-profit organisation in one of our supported countries, you can create a Non-profit account instead. Read more about Non-profit accounts.

How much does it cost?

It's free to join and publish unlimited fundraising pages using our extensive library of free templates. We also offer optional costed products, such as message boards and page upgrades. Read more about the products available with Supporter accounts..

Can I create a page using my own images?

Yes. Some of our templates allow you to upload your own artwork and images into the page design. If you want to incorporate your own images into a page, look for any of these symbols in the Template library:

I've finished fundraising. How do I send the money I've raised to my chosen charity?

All online donations are paid directly to your chosen charity, so there's no need to worry about any additional administration when you've finished fundraising. If you like, you can close your fundraising page from Page Settings at any time.

Can I add offline donations to a page?

Yes, if you have received donations via another channel (eg cash) and want to reflect this on your page, you can add up to 10 offline donations or messages on a page with our free plan. With Premium, you can add as many as you like!

Read more about adding offline donations to pages.

Can I change the web address or display the page on my website?

Yes. Before publishing your page, you can customise the web address in Page Settings. If you would prefer to promote your page using an alternative web address, you will need to set up a redirect link from your preferred address to your Visufund page.

If you have a website, you can also embed your page by inserting a specially crafted HTML iframe element on your site.

Read more about embedding pages on your website.

What happens if I run out of objects on my page?

There is no limit to the number of donations or messages you can receive. By default, your page will automatically expand onto a second page when there are no objects left on your first page, ensuring you never run out of available objects. With Premium, you can access additional controls to adjust the auto-expand properties of your page, if required.

Read more about expanding pages.

Is it possible to edit a donation message?

Yes. After making a donation, all donors will receive an email with a link to view and/or edit their message. As a page owner, you can also moderate and edit individual messages in the Messages section of Page Settings.