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Last updated: 29-08-2022

How to organise a virtual Easter egg hunt in less than 5 minutes

Has your charity Easter egg hunt been cancelled this year?

Perhaps some of your supporters live too far away to come to your events?

Or are you just looking for a fun way to support a great cause this spring?

Visufund can help you organise a virtual Easter egg hunt in under 5 minutes... for free!

Step 1: Choose an Easter template design on Visufund

Visufund is an online visual fundraising platform, which is free to join.

You can use any template from our library to create beautiful fundraising pages that come to life with every donation.

Click here to choose an Easter template design.

When you've chosen your design, click Create Page with this Template.

Fill this Easter basket with virtual eggs to raise money for a great cause

Step 2: Set up your fundraising page

Once you've created your page, you can customise lots of different settings to make it completely unique. You can see how your page looks at any time by clicking View Page from the top menu.

It doesn't just have to be Easter eggs... How about asking for donations to fill the sky with butterflies on this sweet spring scene?

Step 3: Publish and share!

When you're ready to go, just click Publish. Don't forget to share your page online to reach as many people as possible!

Any questions?

Find out more about Visufund by exploring our website or see what others are doing here.

Choose your Easter template to get started!